Universal Service Obligation (A comparison between the UK and Saudi Arabia)

Author: Fatimah Abdulrahman Barnawi
King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia

Email: Fatimah.A.Barnawi@gmail.com


The field of communications has experienced a surge in importance within modern society, with the COVID-19 crisis serving as a clear testament to its significance. In order to address this need, governments worldwide have adopted the Universal Service Obligation (USO) as a means of ensuring that individuals have access to a reliable internet connection. While the interpretation and implementation of the USO may vary, both the UK and Saudi Arabia have embraced this concept to develop their communication sectors. Nevertheless, there are notable distinctions between the UK and Saudi USO approaches. The UK USO is firmly rooted in the principles of citizen rights and socio-economic development, aiming to empower individuals and communities. On the other hand, the Saudi USO places a stronger emphasis on government provision and control. Many experts argue that involving stakeholders in the USO implementation process, as exemplified by the British model, can yield more significant outcomes. In conclusion, the field of communications has gained immense importance, particularly evident during the COVID-19 crisis. The adoption of the USO by governments like the UK and Saudi Arabia demonstrates their commitment to developing communication infrastructure. However, the approach and emphasis may differ, with stakeholder involvement being seen as a crucial factor for success. Regular evaluation and updating of the USO are essential to ensure its adequacy and relevance in an ever-changing digital landscape.


Communications Law,Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation (USO), Broadband Access, Public Policy, Human Rights, Implementation Strategies, Policy Evaluation, Comparative Law

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